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Here and There & When I Can

Updated: Sep 21, 2019

Hello & welcome! I (Nicole) have decided to start setting some time aside here and there to start a blog for Nourish Farm. I used to "blog" a lot in the past and really enjoyed it, but with so much going on at home and with the farm, it's hard to find time to do that anymore. I figure I can put some ramblings together every now and then...they might not be fully edited or make sense sometimes, but I don't want to let perfectionism stop me.

Nourish Farm Turlock with sunflowers

I plan on writing on many different topics - such as mothering, gardening, thoughts on our culture, health, AND I really want to start sharing recipes! We as mothers wear so many different hats and I think that's one of the things I love about being a mother. So I don't want to confine this blog to just be about our farm or just be about food or just be about homesteading, or just be about being a mom, etc.

Sharing my experiences with others, through the good & bad, is something I've found to be therapeutic. I'm always trying to find meaning and importance in all the situations myself and my family go through. I believe everything we experience is an opportunity to grow, strengthen, learn, adapt and find empathy & compassion for others. We must never stop expanding our knowledge! It is a wonderful and fulfilling way to live. Living on our farm, being immersed in the natural world of birth, growth, life, death and ever changing seasons can bring so much perspective.

We have a very different lifestyle than many people. I heard a statistic today that only 2% of Americans grow up/live on a farm or ranch, so I'm happy to share what it's like living and breathing our little farm life...but I'll be honest too. It consumes you, takes you away from friends and family sometimes, changes plans, doesn't allow you to take impromptu vacations or even one real vacation sometimes.

The rewards of this life, the joys and the simple pleasures are immeasurable. They will carry on into our children's futures and their children's. So, I'm happy to smell like sheep and sweat, have dust in my hair, and dirty feet in order to keep our son smiling and healthy and give him a beautiful life.

Zinnias at Nourish Farm Turlock

That's all I have for now. Hopefully I'll be back soon. I have some of my favorite recipes in mind to share soon.

Stay nourished. xx Nicole


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