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The Last Beach Walk

We moved into town! Here in Las Lajas, and many places in Panama, the towns or villages are not along the coast or right at the beach. In other places, like Costa Rica, California, Mexico, etc- you can walk to the beach from the town, or at least many parts of the town are right along the coast. But, we're noticing in Panama, that is not the case.

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

So here in Las Lajas, Chiriqui, there are beach houses along the coast, a few restaurants and hotels out here on the beach, but most of the town is a 10-15 minute drive inland. The main stores, restaurants, and where everybody lives is all away from the beach. We didn't realize that until we moved here and settled in and started to notice how often we had to drive into town from our beach house to do things.

Our new farm is in town, our favorite pizza place is in town, the park and the basketball court are in town, many of our friends, and Jude's school is in town. So once our 5 month rental was up, we decided we wanted to find a place to live in town. We found an amazing place! It is walking distance from our farm, which is so convenient since we are starting all our projects now and need to check our cows regularly.

Anyways, more about that later. The last couple weeks at our beach house we wanted to really soak it up and pay attention to how fortunate we were to live within walking distance to this amazing beach. We said this will probably be the closest we ever live to the beach, unless we move in the future to some other beach town.

On one of our last evenings at the beach house, I took my real camera (not iPhone camera!) and documented the walk and the sunset. It was a gorgeous night and a gorgeous sunset. I thought it would be nice to share it here....

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk
The blue & orange house we lived in for 5 months. We lived in the orange, the blue is the caretaker's apartment.

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

Playa Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama - beach walk

There it is. A gorgeous sunset to punctuate the end of our time living so close to a beach, and a huge, quiet, amazing beach like this one. If you're in Panama, you've got to visit Playa Las Lajas, and stay at Las Lajas Beach Resort.

We're ready and excited for the next chapter of our lives here!

Until next time,




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